Rescheduled Annual General Meeting - Barengi Gadjin Land Council Aboriginal Corporation ICN4395 (2)
Sun, 06 Feb
|BGLC Online Annual General Meeting
All members of the corporation are advised and invited to attend that the annual general meeting of the members of the Barengi Gadjin Land Council Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC will take place as follows:

Time & Location
06 Feb 2022, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm AEDT
BGLC Online Annual General Meeting
About the Event
The Barengi Gadjin Land Council is holding its Annual General Meeting online.
For any other questions or assistance please do not hesitate to contact Teagan Muir 03 5381 0977 email admin@bglc.com.au or reach out to Joanne Clarke Manager Community Development email joanne.clarke@bglc.com.au or 03 5381 0977.
SPECIAL NOTE WHEN REGISTERING: You can only register one per email, if you have multiple members to register, please add when you're entering your participation, otherwise please call our office who can register for you.
Item Description
1. Welcome, attendees and apologies:
1.1 Confirm the chair for the meeting
1.2 Attendees
1.3 Apologies
1.4 Quorum
2. Proxy appointments
3. Minutes of the previous meeting of members:
3.1 Confirm the minutes
3.2 Matters arising
4. Corporation reports:
4.1 Directors’ report
4.2 Financial report
5. Questions about how the corporation is managed
6. Appointment of an auditor for the current and next financial year
7. Election of directors
Family Groups whose Directors’ terms has expired are:
- Coombs - 2 year appointment
- Kennedy - 2 year appointment
- Harrison - 2 year appointment
- Pepper (Wotjobaluk) - 2 year appointment
- Robinson - 2 year appointment
- Pepper (Wergaia) 1 year appointment
If you wish to nominate as a Director please email admin@bglc.com.au to obtain a Consent to Act form
9. Any other business
10. Close
A proxy vote may be given to a member of the corporation or another person.
Rule 4,12 of the Rulebook of the Corporation states that “members can appoint a person as proxy to attend meetings and vote for them. Proxies can also speak at meetings and join in demanding a poll. They can vote if their appointment allows them to. A proxy appointment must contain the member’s name and address, the corporation’s name, the proxy’s name, the meeting where the proxy is going, and it must be signed by the member. The corporation must receive the proxy’s appointment at least 48 hours before the meeting. A person must not be a proxy for more than one member. Proxies for Directors meeting can only be from that Directors family group”
An Appointment of Proxy form is attached to this notice. If you are unable to attend the AGM and would like to appoint a proxy please ensure the form has been completed and returned at least 48 hours prior to the commencement of the meeting. Proxy forms can be mailed to:
Barengi Gadjin Land Council
PO Box 1255
or emailed to admin@bglc.com.au