Work for BGLC
We are part of our Country, and Country is part of us. Bunjil, the creator, made the land, waterholes, animals, and plants and gave Wotjobaluk Peoples the responsibility to look after our Country and culture and keep it healthy and strong. Country heals us and connects us to our dreaming stories, to our ancestors and spirits.
If Country is treated with respect and care, and we can act on our responsibility for Country, then Wotjobaluk Country will continue to provide for us.
At the Barengi Gadjin Land Council (BGLC) we know our employees are one of our greatest assets as an organisation.
We are committed to fulfilling the Wotjobaluk people's goals and aspirations, as detailed in the Growing What is Good Country Plan.
BGLC seeks to provide rewarding jobs for the WJJWJ Peoples of the Wotjobaluk Nations and provide job security and economic sustainability for our families. If you’re a future leader who would like to work on Wotjobaluk Country and support the future employment pathways and enterprises around culture and heritage, we encourage you have a confidential conversation with our Recruitment team.
Please feel free to contact
BGLC Recruitment Officer Benjamin Trimble
0408 130 639 / recruitment@bglc.com.au
Or register with Rani Branson, BGLC Admin Officer
03 5381 0977 / admin@bglc.com.au