BGLC Engagement Protocols
Barengi Gadjin Land Council (BGLC) is responsible for the Native Title rights and interests of the Wotjobaluk peoples, protecting their Culture, Country, Heritage, Lore, and Language. We have developed Cultural Engagement Protocols to outline the right steps for you to follow before engaging with us.​
Step 1:
Assess your Project/Activity
Consultation with BGLC should be triggered if your projects or activities affect or involve WJJWJ interests in their:
Languages (Wergaia & Jardwadjali)
Traditional Stories
Examples of activities that will need Consulatation with BGLC include: • Deliver Indigenous Language, History, or Cultural content to their students/clients. • Provide Aboriginal cultural awareness training to their staff. • Include cultural content in programs for Indigenous clients. • Use Indigenous cultural heritage or images to promote local tourism. •Use an Indigenous word from the area for their business name. • Have an Acknowledgement of Traditional Owners on their website, or event program. • Work in the Wotjobaluk Nations Cultural Landscape which might impact Cultural Heritage or involve the management of Wotjobaluk totem species.
If in doubt, please email engage@bglc.com.au
or call (03) 5381 0977.
Step 2:
Contact BGLC to Initiate Discussions
Contact our Culture, People, and Place team via engage@bglc.com.au, or call on (03) 5381 0977.
For more complicated enquiries, a member of our Culture, People, and Place team will contact you as soon as possible to follow one of these paths:
Referral to the Cultural Services booking page.
Organising a meeting with relevant BGLC staff to discuss options for more complex projects/activities – see BGLC Policy for Engagement Protocols.
Step 3:
Plan or Partner with BGLC
Depending on the nature of the project, it may be advisable to collaborate or partner with BGLC. Our staff will discuss this with you to come to a mutually satisfactory outcome.

It is important to consult with BGLC on any projects activities that affect the interests the Wotjobaluk, Jaadwa, Jadawadjali, Wergai, and Japagulk peoples (WJJWJ), collectively known as the Wotjobaluk peoples. Please contact us in the early stages of your project/activity, so we have a reasonable amount of time to assist and guide in the planning process.
It is essential that engagement with our Elders and community with the support of BGLC is in good faith.
This means obtaining genuine free, prior, and informed consent during the decision-making process.
Free, prior, and informed can only exist where there has been sufficient time for the Wotjobaluk Peoples to consider their options with legally correct information, which includes recognition of our Culture, Country, Heritage, Lore, and Language.
As Custodians of this Country culture is paramount to healing Caring for Country.